Owning a home is Still Cool: Here are the Real Estate Reasons

• Long term Investment According to Realty Times ,” An average appreciation rate during normal times is around 6.5 percent a year. That means if you buy a home for $100,000, in just ten years you will have a home that could feasibly sell for around $174,000” • Personal and Community Stability Owning a property creates a sense of community and accomplishment. People take better care of property; have higher graduation rates and lower crime rates in more stable communities with large percentages of homeowners. • Tax-Breaks Tax benefits are a huge asset to many Americans, you can deduct mortgage interest, and there are tax credits and money back for making energy efficient upgrades. These breaks might not seem like a lot at first but for middle income families they can add up fast. • Benefit to Economy and Job Growth According to Houselogic , “For every two homes sold, one job is created in the U.S.” Each housing purchase is estimated to generate $60,000 towards economic act...