Real Estate Trends: Homebuyers Make Lifestyle Priority

The real estate saying, “location, location, location” might not hold as much weight to this generations buyers. According to Realty Times , lifestyle options including health, safety, and nearby activities may be a leading factor in home buying selection. A recent survey conducted by Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate LLC and the Meredith Corporation reveal that homebuyers prefer these traits in their community: 1. Ease of commuting by car: 38% 2. Access to health and safety services: 34% 3. Family-friendly neighborhood: 33% 4. Availability of retail stores: 32% 5. Access to cultural activities: 21% 6. Public transportation access: 19% 7. Nightlife and restaurant access: 18% 8. Golf-friendly area–access to golf courses: 6% If the community a buyer is currently living in doesn’t meet these desires, 1 in 5 homeowners have moved or would like to move to better fit their lifestyle. This data lets you as a seller know how to market your property to the way home buy...