Tampa Real Estate Pulse: Then and Now

Every now and then it is prudent to analyze our real estate market pulse, both locally in Tampa and nationally, so we have an improved indication of what the market is doing and why it is behaving as such. Real Estate professionals and consumers have been inundated with reports and surveys that are demonstrating how the real estate market is now thriving. By taking a closer look, we can say with certainty that the real estate recovery is making more movement than ever before. The month of May marked the 19 th consecutive month that home values have risen. We have not seen measureable housing starts at this level since the summer of 2004. Home buyer traffic is also up above 29% from this time last year. Looking back on this time last year, national home values have increased by 5.4%. Our local Tampa, Florida market saw an increase of 15.5% from a year ago, which translates to approximately a $17,000 increase ! Zillow projects home values ...