New Homes: Best Choice for Tampa Bay Home Buyers

Tampa, Florida has seen the home market react to trends throughout the real estate. While we are still finding our way back to “normal” we are noticing a new trend catching fire. New construction home interest and purchases have spiked at rates that new home builders cannot keep up with. Homebuilder Lennar Corp. posted first quarter results that showed a 40% increase in revenue from this time last year! CEO of Lennar, Stuart Miller recently stated, “Our first quarter results clearly reflect continued improvement in the marketplace. Current market conditions are driven by strong demand resulting from low interest rates and attractive home price, which have led to very affordable monthly payments, compared to increasing rental rates.” Real Estate in the real world: Our firsthand experience in Tampa’s real estate market reflects the national statistics. We are being inundated with buyer prospects that are tired of wasting money on renting, exhausted from competing with cash invest...