Tis’ The Season for Buying Real Estate and Property Investments

Real estate investors and buyers are continuing to make property purchases that fuel the Florida real estate market. The third quarter boasted an increase in home buying and investing of 13% from last years numbers. Many of these new purchases and investments are viewed as long term and are helping stabilize our Tampa Bay real estate market. Even though Florida’s median sales price is lower than last year by a small amount, the volume of sales are significantly up. According to the National Association of Realtors, the foreclosures and sales of other distressed properties make the median sales price seem lower than what it actually is. Almost one thousand more condos were sold in October 2011 compared to October 2010, and the prices of those sold are up 9%. For more information about this, visit bizjournals.com. Stan Humphries, a real estate expert for Zillow, notes that Americans perception that lending standards are tougher now than during the 2000-2006 time period are simply misc...