Home Prices on the Rise

For a few years now, consumers from Florida to California have been hearing more and more that now is the time to buy your home, or real estate in general. Well that time is now quickly passing by as home prices continue to push upward. The S & P home price index showed improvements for the second straight month in 19 of the 20 cities they are tracking. Tampa, Florida is high on the list of cities being tracked. Not only is our local Tampa real estate market our performing most, but as whole national prices rose 1.3% in the last month of the first quarter. It is indisputable that we are seeing the consistent upward movement in housing prices. The first time in over six months that national prices are also showing such an increase. This is the hottest real estate news this week! MSNBC and all major networks are giving this news its proper headline… Real Estate News: Prices are UP! Sales of newly constructed and re-sale homes are also up! People are viewing the purchase of a...