Good News for Real Estate in the Sunshine State

As the 1 st quarter of 2014 comes to a close, it is a great time to monitor the good news published across the Sunshine State in real estate headlines. In a recent report from Freddie Mac, utilizing its Multi-Indicator Market Index, analysts discovered that Florida’s housing market showed the most improvement in the entire country during 2013. It also continued to show the most improvement month-to-month in January. The goal of the market index is to effectively measure the market’s stable range, proximity to “normal” and current trends. In an article by Florida Realtors, Freddie Mac Deputy Chief Economist Len Kiefer said, “a better employment picture, along with some income growth, makes it possible for more people who are considering buying a home to stay within reasonable payment-to-income ratios on their monthly mortgages.” Employment opportunities and income growth are essential components to the continual housing market stabilization in Florida, as well as nati...