Tampa Real Estate Pulse | Discounts Are Gone

As we continue to witness the real estate recovery and its effect on our Tampa market, many home buyers and investors are scratching their heads and wondering where all the “great deals” went? Tampa, Florida has seen inventory fly out the window. Along with that inventory went most of the homes that investors and home buyers were seeking out. The FNC has recently reported that the price between homes’s foreclosed value and original market value is finally beginning to close. The average price discount for a distressed property was around 25% of the homes market value. By the end of last year this number has been cut in half and now sits around 12.2%! Not much difference anymore! Buyers and investors are more and more being out bid by other buyer and investors. In many cases it is simply a price gap and offers being too low. Many Tampa, Florida communities have seen this first hand and quite a few home buyers and investors are not catching on to the trend… yet! ...