Real Estate Tips: Get to Know Generation Y

Back in April, we posted a blog titled, “Younger Generation Predicted to Turn Real Estate Market Around”. We focused primarily on the young families and adults that made up Generation X (32-45 year olds). New research is also putting a lot of emphasis on Generation Y (15-32 year olds). The statistics suggest they will be a strong driving force for the next ten years! Why is this group different from their older peers? The group is about equal to the baby boomer generation, about 77.4 million individuals. By sheer size alone, they are a significant percentage of the buying market. They make up over 25% of home buying age. They tend to be highly educated; more than 60 percent of them go to college. As more of this generation joins the work force there is going to be a “massive increase in housing demands”, according to University of Southern California Lusk Center for Real Estate. Below is a list of what you need to know about this group in order to market to them: Importance of ...