Real Estate Trends: Homebuyers Make Lifestyle Priority

The real estate saying, “location, location, location” might not hold as much weight to this generations buyers. According to Realty Times, lifestyle options including health, safety, and nearby activities may be a leading factor in home buying selection.

A recent survey conducted by Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate LLC and the Meredith Corporation reveal that homebuyers prefer these traits in their community:

1. Ease of commuting by car: 38%

2. Access to health and safety services: 34%

3. Family-friendly neighborhood: 33%

4. Availability of retail stores: 32%

5. Access to cultural activities: 21%

6. Public transportation access: 19%

7. Nightlife and restaurant access: 18%

8. Golf-friendly area–access to golf courses: 6%

If the community a buyer is currently living in doesn’t meet these desires, 1 in 5 homeowners have moved or would like to move to better fit their lifestyle. This data lets you as a seller know how to market your property to the way home buyers think and what they want. Showcase your home and describe how closely it meets the listed criteria.

If you are looking to sell or enjoy getting more real estate tips and trends to help you understand the current market, contact SI Real Estate at 813.631.5144 or email us at


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