Would You Like to Buy a New Home But Lack the Necessary Finances to Make Your Dream Come True?

The dream of home ownership is now more accessible than it has been in years, and for many Americans owning a home is still the American dream. If you are not financially prepared, today’s excellent deals may pass you by.

Try some of these money saving tips to add more cash to your future home fund:

- Take a fixed amount from every paycheck and make sure it goes directly into your savings account. This can be a fixed percentage (10%) or a fixed amount ($200.00).
- Create and closely watch your budget. Many people have no idea where there money goes every week or month. Watching where you spend your money may surprise you and you may not be so quick to buy lattes 5 days a week.
- When you go shopping, make a list and stick to it. Get only what you need and forget about the extras that you don’t.
- Cut back on utilities. Do you need all 10 HBO channels? Do you use 3-way calling? Probably not. Do away with them and you will be surprised by how much you will save each month.
- Have a garage sale! Get rid of everything in your home that you don’t use or no longer need.
- Receiving a windfall? Put that cash away into your “Future Home” savings account.

Cutting costs now will help you reach your future goal of home buying. It is important to also remember that FHA loans are still available. With an FHA loan, only 3.5% is needed up front, providing a viable option for those who are qualified and ready to buy now.

If you have been saving and are ready to purchase a home, contact Nibal Elsaadi of SI Real Estate at Nibal@SIRealEstateInvestments.com to set an appointment to see available houses, townhomes, and condominiums in the Tampa Bay area or call 813.631.5144 to speak to one of our Real Estate Specialists.


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