Moving to a New Home Made Easy! The Ultimate Moving Survival Guide!
Summer is always a tremendously popular time of year
for families and movers changing homes across the United States. According to
the American Moving and Storage Association,
15.3 million Americans moved between the summer months of June and August last
year. Moving into a new home can be a stressful and
overwhelming task. Fortunately, a little preparation and careful planning is
all it takes to reduce stress, and ensure a smooth transition into your
new home. Save time and reduce stress with these helpful tips provided by Mattress
Firm, Inc., and

Protect Your Valuables: Some items may need to be dissembled
when moving, keep small screws and pieces in a small bag that is marked and
labeled accordingly. Fragile items like dinnerware should be wrapped separately
with extra padding to avoid damage. Using old clothes to wrap your dishes is a
great way to save money and protect fragile items. Just make sure to label your
boxes accordingly to ensure safe handling.
Pack your Closet: Your clothes can be vacuum sealed and stored
in boxes to make more space. If you have clothes that are hanging, wrap them in
trash bags for a quick and easy alternative.
Pets: All
of the commotion that is involved with moving can be frightening and stressful
for animals. Consider making arraignments to check your pet into a pet day care
facility. You can also arrange to leave Fido with a friend or family member on
move day.
Change your address! You can change your address online with the US Postal
Service. You can also specify the date you want your address change to become
Get Organized: Moving is a great opportunity
to get rid of old belongings. Sort out the items that can be donated instead of
throwing everything out. Shred old
documents, try not to move anything
that you don’t have to.
Survival kit: Pack an overnight suitcase with
all the necessary items you will need on the first day, and be sure to have snacks
and plenty water available. Keep a first aid kit on hand in case of an
accident, and make sure that it is easily accessible.
If you are thinking of moving to the Tampa Bay are,
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