Real Estate Tips: Be a Savvy Buyer

In 2011, real estate remains a true buyer’s market. In Tampa, prices are the lowest in the last decade and interest rates at historic lows, now is the time to purchase real estate. Whether it is your dream home, a vacation home, or an investment property you need to make sure you are looking at the big picture. Buyers now more than ever need to be savvy to recognize the good value when they see it.

Realty Times just published an article this week, “Savvy Buyers Know Value When They See It”. In this PJ Wade, compiles a list that all buyers should review before their next real estate purchase. She reminds all buyers that you do not need to approve of a sellers color scheme or décor, rather look beyond superficial things to the bones of a home. To help keep you on track during your purchase remember this important tips.

Be prepared if the first showing is the right place

Most buyers are anticipating the first house to not meet their expectations. If you go into the first house and it is what you are looking for, don’t wait too long to put in an offer. The good properties go quick if you delay two weeks to see other properties just for comparison, you may miss your opportunity completely. Be prepared before you start view real estate listings to know exactly what you want and be prepared to act right away.

Experience the property

The goal is a real estate showing is not just for you to take a quick glance from each doorway. You need to step inside each room, get a feel for it, and move around. See if the space is adequate for the furnishings you prepare to put in it. Real Estate is a large investment, make sure you are getting a true perspective in if this is the right property for you or not.

Don’t consider just the property alone, surrounding neighborhoods is key

No property is completely alone in a certain area of town. You cannot make a wise decision on a real estate choice until you have seen the surrounding neighbors and community. Most real estate professionals will instruct you to drive around, check on sources of noise (parks, schools, development. Make sure you will be happy knowing all the information you experience in the community. Check on zoning if you intend to have a home business for instance.

Get all the knowledge you need before making an offer

Sit down with your real estate agent and ask some important questions. Look up taxes, utility costs, and sales history. Get an idea of what to expect before you make an offer. This is a very important step that may get rushed over when you get excited about your new home. Be diligent, after the sale is complete this will help counteract any potential buyers remorse.

Don’t just look for a “dream house”, be realistic

All of these steps lead to one conclusion-be realistic! The excitement of your new home may inflate your expectations of the real estate market and what you can afford. Please savvy, know a good value when you see it, and be smart about the research you conduct before making an offer. You are not expected to be an expert on real estate, do not try and do all the work yourself. Have a licensed real estate agent you can trust in your corner to help you make the best purchase.

If you are looking for more tips on being a savvy buyer, or to find a trustworthy real estate agent to help you navigate through the buying process call SI Real Estate at 813.631.5144 or email us at


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