Choosing The Best Realtor® for the Job!

Who you choose to represent you when you buy or sell your home is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make during your move. Your real estate agent can make the process easy, quick, and painless – or long, expensive, and painful.

Here are 5 adjectives you should for in your real estate agent if you want to get the most out of the sale of your home or your home purchase:

1. Tenacious
Real estate is at times a complex world. There are seemingly endless challenges to navigate through: the house you love was snatched up by someone else; someone put a bid in on your home and then pulled out at the last minute; there are issues with the community, or zoning, or construction! These are some of the reasons why you need a savvy real estate agent who is tenacious, never gives up, and doesn’t stop until you have successfully bought or sold your home at the right price with the least obstacles.

The best real estate agents are the ones who not only have plan B, but plan C, D, and E ready and waiting. When things fall through, they don’t let it get them down. They keep pushing and coming up with creative solutions to close your real estate transaction – no matter what!

2. Honest
Honesty is always the best policy, but it’s especially important when it comes to real estate. You need to be able to trust your agent: he/she can negotiate the best contract terms on either side; to tell you the truth about your properties and options; to give you the right advice when it comes to buying or selling. If you work with an agent who bends the truth, withholds information, or – worst case scenario, whatever that may look like–you’re going to end up losing time and money, and patience throughout the process.

3. Savvy
There’s a lot to know in the world of real estate. Your real estate agent should be savvy, smart, and able to help you navigate through everything you don’t know about real estate. Look for an agent that can walk you through the entire process from A to Z. You want someone who is an expert in your area, and who can break down complex real estate jargon into easy-to-understand terms so you know exactly what’s happening at every stage of your home purchase or the sale of your home.

4. Persuasive
Every great real estate professional has the heart of a salesperson – and the persuasive skills to match. There are tons of instances in which you’ll need your Realtor® to turn on their persuasive charm. Real estate agents have to use persuasion to negotiate the best offers, to convince sellers to accept your bid, to convince potential owners that your home is the very best buy for them.

5. ThoroughBuying and selling any property is an involved business: there are papers to sign, inspections to schedule, and documents to process. You want to work with an experienced, thorough, detail-oriented real estate agent who will ensure that every “i” is dotted and “t” is crossed.

In addition to managing the transactional portion of your real estate venture, you want a real estate agent who’s so thorough they ensure that YOU don’t forget anything on your end. A thorough real estate agent will come armed with a checklist of not only what they need to do to process the purchase or sale, but what you need to do on your end in order to tie up any loose ends.

It’s easy to spot a thorough real estate agent. Do they send you reminders for home showings? Is their day planner meticulously organized? Do they jokingly refer to themselves as “type A?” If so, you’ve got a winner. The right real estate agent is essential in making the process of buying or selling your home a quick, easy, and a financial win. And when you lock in a real estate agent with all of these adjectives, you’re well on your way to real estate success.


very nice and useful tips on real estate. Constructing a house is a tough job and most of us commit mistakes. Your blog gives amazing tips that can be used for constructing house.

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