Life of Real Estate Agents in Tampa, Florida

In the blogging world, we try to provide facts and interesting articles for our viewers so that you might find helpful information to satisfy your interest in following us.

SI Real Estate’s expertise is in real estate here in sunny Tampa, Florida. We feel it is important to inform our clients, associates, and customers that the real estate market in Tampa has a new trend, we no longer have over a year’s worth of inventory. As a buyer client, if you find a home you like, buy it before others start bidding.

Instead of quoting a good article or just cold facts we have been following in the real estate market, we decided to give you a real insight into what our company’s valued agents experience on a daily basis here in Tampa. As we all know, real estate is a local industry. It varies greatly from one zip code, city, and state to another. We have agents in our geographic area every day looking for the properties that fits the criteria and wish lists of their customers. What they see on a weekly basis may surprise you. Homes that hit the market at the right price, in good condition are going within days of being listed for sale. Furthermore, the properties worth buying frequently have anywhere from 2-20 offers on them. Not kidding.

If you are serious about finding a “good deal”, a good home, they are out there! They don’t have to be a short sale or bank owned property either. Buyers that plan on moving into the property they purchase want a home in good livable condition. This leads to bidding wars of eager homebuyers who too have found the place they imagine calling home. We cannot tell you how many times the listing agents and sellers respond to an offer by advising the buyer, “to give me your highest and best offer”.

Our advice for homebuyers, sellers, and investors is to establish your criteria for your real estate goals. This includes: price point, location, square feet, upgrades desired. Then list of what you are willing to comprise on. We can help you find what you want. If there is a limiting factor decide what is a deal breaker and stick to it. If you walk in a home and it meets your criteria and you love it, DO NOT WAIT! If you love it, act on it. Chances are others will deliver offers simultaneously. If a property is priced right, respect that and don’t lose your dream home.

If you are ready to discuss your options about buying, selling, or even renting call SI Real Estate to work with a professional who will listen to your needs. We can be reached at (813)631-5144 or email us at


Being a real estate agent is not easy that is why I was impressed with that work. I love your post. Big thanks.

Charles A

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